
All Girly Bands are $10.

Please specify the ribbon choice by the caption letter /number. The length options are Adult or Child.
(For example: S1 and F12; both adult) 

Email me here with your order specifications.

Thank You!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I just emailed and it erased it--ugh!! Anyway, I'm Nicole I met you at the Y this morning.. I love your site! I definitely want to order 2 (adult) bands. The one you wore this morning (green and blue) and the multi color flower one. I think it was a sign i ran into you, because I was JUST thinking I really wanted to buy some cute bands. Let me know how you'd like to do the money transaction. I can mail it to you or give it to you at the Y. Either way is completely fine with me. I usually go to at least 2 strength classes/week and try to go at least once on the weekend. Thanks, Nicole 617-459-0545 nicole.smith.cole@gmail.com
